And we believe in charitees.

We love designing and selling sustainable t-shirts. Like prising open a king coconut, the process can be challenging, but the results are always worth the effort.

Even more worthwhile is wearing and sharing tees that help good causes. We believe in the power of community, which is why we support several charities doing amazing work in Sri Lanka.

Buy one of our charitees and 10% of the profit will go to one of the awesome organisations below – each of which is making positive change on the ground in Sri Lanka. So you can look good and feel even better when you wear one of our t-shirts.

The Rosie May Foundation

From city streets to coastal roads, tuk-tuks are commonplace in Sri Lanka. Far less frequent are female drivers – and that’s indicative of a broader trend: just 34% of women in the economically active age group are employed. Worse still, the United Nations Population Fund reports that 90% of women aged 15-35 have experienced sexual harassment on public transport. The Rosie May Foundation tackles both issues through a unique initiative which trains single mothers to be tuk-tuk drivers. At the handlebars of distinctive pink three-wheelers, these women are equipped with everything necessary to earn a sustainable income, while also providing a safe means of transport for women and girls travelling to work and school. We’re honoured to support the Foundation’s groundbreaking work.


Often found dozing in the shade of a palm tree or trotting down the beach in search of snacks and snugs, the Sri Lankan street dog is a furry friend found all around the island. Sadly, overpopulation, illness and injury can make life hard for these tropical canines, which is where WECare comes in. A British charity that provides free veterinary care on the south coast of Sri Lanka, WECare runs vaccination, treatment, education and adoption programmes to improve the lives of street dogs – and we’re proud to support their incredible work.

Tearz Foundation

Even paradise has its problems. Sri Lanka’s severe economic crisis has placed a huge strain on the millions of families who rely on daily wages for food and essentials. Shortages of fuel and cooking gas, together with massive inflation and daily power cuts, have made life incredibly difficult. From distributing dry rations packs to installing village wells, the Tearz Foundation provides responsive support all around Sri Lanka, going above and beyond to reach those in need. We’re pleased to support their efforts.

We love to support organisations making a difference in Sri Lanka. If you’re a charity and you’d like to discuss working together, please get in touch.

It's tee time.